Deer Valley Meadows
General Information

Located in: Alberta, Canada

The objective of Deer Valley Meadows Camp is to provide facilities for people to meet in a Christian environment and to offer quality food, programs and service as representatives of our Lord Jesus Christ. Golfing with the Frisbee - Walking the trails - Watching the birds - Spiking the volleyball - Pitching horseshoes - Watching the kids play - Hitting a home run - Tossing the football - Kicking the soccer ball - Cross-Country Skiing - Sliding down the hill - Climbing the wall - Scoring a goal - Saving a goal - Shooting some hoops - Playing foosball - Knitting - Reading - Shooting Crokinole - riding the zip line!

Phone: (403) 747-2100

General Email

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Summer 39017 Range Road 230 Alix AB T0C